Tuesday, October 30, 2012

AHHHH!!! MY WEAVE!!! :-(

Having a HORRIBLE Hair Day?

0_o Yea... nobody's perfect. Hurricane Sandy distressed my hair as well. LOL! don't wanna go visit your guy looking like this do you?

Any know those days when it's cold and wet outside and your hair just won't cooperate? Well, fear not! Fishtails to the rescue! =] ... *tape rewind noise* Hold up... did she just say fishtail?!?

'0_o !

Yea... I did. But this one looks way better. LOL I won't say it's a new trend because it's been around for a while. 

It's a lot simpler than it looks. Here, I'll show you.


First we separate our hair into two sections. 1 and 2 for easy reference. (Make sure it's combed out and moisturized.)


We then take a small locket of hair from the back of section 1 and add it to section 2. (Or vice versa, doesn't matter. I took a big chunk because I was in a rush but the smaller the piece the better it looks.)


Now we do the reverse of step 2. Take a piece from the back of section 2 and add it to the other.

Keep repeating these steps until you come to the end of your braid.

Fasten the end with a rubber band or something so the braid won't become undone.
Add a lil mascara some lip gloss and Voila! Now you have a chic look even on your worst day

It doesn't have to be neat either. You can mess it up for a casual night out with your friends or a formal event.

How cute is that! Plus I'm sure your guy will appreciate your effort and thank you in many ways... ;-) Trust me they notice more than we give them credit for. lol Enjoy!


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